Fast Weight Loss (eassy way to weight lose for pregnancy)

When will I lose the pregnancy weight? Will my body ever feel like my own again? When will theme I remember come back? For overwhelmed new moms, fast weight loss is often the first step to regaining balance and self-esteem. But finding the time and energy to work out is a struggle when you've got an infant depending on you 24/7. These three tips,...

make herbal soap. ( how to make herbal soap )

First up from the herb garden – my very own soap! I thought this would be a lovely homemade Mother’s Day or Teacher Appreciation gift. I picked up some plain, unscented glycerin soap and added herbs from the new garden and some citrus. I love the smell and bright green color of mint. I diced up some rosemary to add with lemon zest. I...

Chinese Herbs for Gray Hair ( how to get dark hair )

Interested in Chinese herbs for gray hair? Find out how the problem of gray hair is treated using herbal medical knowledge from China. he Chinese have made use of herbal remedies for pretty much everything and gray hair is no exception. During their days of experimentation the Chinese discovered a herb that they found to be useful for the treatment...

Eastern Indian Herbal Weight Loss

Herbs and plants have been used to treat a variety of diseases over the years. These herbs are curative and effective for weight loss. Moreover, herbal remedies can be safe and do not have harmful chemical effects. Allergic reactions cannot be ruled out, so consult a doctor before using any herbal weight loss remedies. East Indian herbal treatment...

easy way to lose weight ( Home Remedies With Food and Herbs )

Indians say the easiest way to fight obesity is to consume 10 grams of honey and a glass of warm water each morning on an empty stomach. The dose can even be increased over time. Another way to control your weight is by drinking, first thing in the morning, a glass of lukewarm water containing half a lime and one teaspoon of honey. This mixture should...

How to get clear skin (Home Remedies For Clear Skin)

SavvyHomemade has plenty of information for maintaining healthy skin. But the following home remedies for clear skin ought to be the first steps in your daily routine. Your three steps to perfect skin are to Cleanse, Tone and then Moisturize. And below we have methods and recipes for each step.... Use A Homemade Facial Cleanser Homemade facial...

Homemade Medicine

Herbal medicine has long been considered “the people’s medicine” for its accessibility, safety and the ease with which remedies can be made. Commonly throughout history, if someone wanted a particular medicine, they needed only grow it in their garden or find a place where it grew naturally and could be gathered. Thoughtfulness was required about...

Homemade Cough Medicine

  This is a home remedy for that horrible cough that you just can't get rid of, and best of all: you probably already have all of the ing Ingredients: 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons water Directions: 1. Mix...

How to stop cough with in a day (Homemade Cough Drops)

Found this at the Instructables website and want to try it with an herbal tea. Love the idea for the mold being made of powdered sugar. Putting here for safe keeping. Haven't tried yet. These would make a nice gift for a sick friend. Unsure cook times. The instructions indicated that the following might be good additions for a lozenger, although...


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